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Khoresht mast or Khoresh mas

Khoresht mast

Khoresht mast or Khoresh mas is an Iranian side dish. It is served in a cold dish. Historically it is from Isfahan, Iran. It was a royal court […]

The annual celebration of
the Iranian Yalda night

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An ancient Iranian festival that basically celebrates the coming of the winter solstice and the longest night of the year for centuries is Yalda Night (or Shab-e Yalda; […]


Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is located along the Moskva River. With a population of approximately 12 million, it is the largest city in the country […]

The Mariinsky Theatre

The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg St. Petersburg’s other internationally renowned cultural institution, and for some visitors an even greater draw than the Hermitage, the Mariinsky Theatre has […]

The Hermitage (The Winter Palace)

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The Hermitage (The Winter Palace) in Saint Petersburg Undoubtedly St. Petersburg’s most famous visitor attraction, and universally acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest treasuries of art and […]
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